Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Don't follow your heart!

The following is a post from a favorite blog that I follow.  I am re-posting it here and at the bottom I am placing His blog address so you can check out more of his blogs.  He is my youngest Daughter and her family's Pastor.He has great insights!  You will enjoy his blogposts!
"...there's a phrase that I hear often that I'm tired of hearing. I want to put it out there as a plea to quit saying it and most importantly, to stop doing it. Here's the phrase I don't want to hear anymore: "I'm following my heart."
Almost every person I sit down with in counseling is suffering from the results of following their heart.
You probably read the headlines recently of the teacher who left his wife, children, and teaching career in order to move in with a former 18-year old student. Their reasoning was "We're following our hearts."
He's in prison now. Why? Because he followed his heart...and that's where your heart will lead you.
The Bible says our hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked - no one can know it (except the One who made it, of course). The Bible also says that without Jesus, we're dead in our sins.
So I say to stop following your heart because without Jesus, your heart isn't beating!
What you really need to do is follow Jesus - the One who breathes life into dead and dying hearts. He's the One who will never let you down or lead you astray. And although following Jesus often goes directly against the feelings and direction that your heart says to go, His way is the right way, and the one way that you'll never regret following.
Stop following your heart and follow Jesus.
The temporary pleasure is not worth the lasting pain."