Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Perspective is Everything

My scripture today:  
Isaiah 6:1,  "In the year that King Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple."

It is our own personal perspective that determines so much in our live.  Some people see the glass half full... some half empty.  How you see things affects your reaction, your conviction, how you view the resources you have, your ability to hope or lack thereof, everything.

Some view the Lord High and lifted up as Isaiah did, others see Him as an old man with a big stick ready to knock them around when they come up short.  How you and I see Him will determine our actions and responses to Him and His word.

If we take Isaiah's view and see Him in His Majesty as the ruler of the whole of creation with His Glory filling the Earth then we will have a view that brings us to a place where we Honor Him and see ourselves in the light of His true place.

It humbles us.

The Resultes of seeing the Lord From the proper perspective does three things.

I.    Verse 5...  "Woe is me, I am a man of unclean lips..."
  • It brings recognition of sin in the sight of an Awesome God
  • It brings us to a place of a repentant Heart                       
II.    Verse 7...  "And he laid it (a live coal from the alter) upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath   
                         touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.
  • Iniquity is takn away and
  • sin is purged
III.   Verse 8b... "Here am I, send me."
  • It creates within us a heart of service to God.  A willingness to serve others by serving God.
Dear Lord, Help me to be the servant to you and to your church that I need to be. Keep me in the hallow of your hand and close to your side where I can experience your presence at all times in my life.  Amen

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