Thursday, March 8, 2012


The Belief that nothing exploded into something and that the nothing that exploded into something somehow had the luck to come together into the right combination of lifeless somethings for life to spring from it.  And then this nothing continued to evolve into such intelligence that it is able to evaluate itself and it’s origins and have such a grasp of all knowledge,  enough it seems, to know without question that there is no God... WHAT?

Then there are those who do believe that there was something the size of a dot that exploded…   When asked where the dot came from they say it came from millions of stars and universes that expanded evolved and ran it’s cycle and then came back together again with such heavy gravity that it garnered the current explosion…  So where did those universes come from?  No answer, or they say perhaps another dot and they still declare that they know it wasn’t God that did it…  Really? 

So they say, the existence of life is an accident,  Intelligence is an accident,  the study of science is an accident, it’s all an accident.  The conclusion for them is that we are random matter but, in the whole scheme of things we don’t really matter.  So what is the value of existence?  And since we are just accidental matter is there really a thing called value and if we just made it up then didn’t we make something out of nothing and does that make man’s intelligence  a creative force that could be described as God?   Now what’s funny about that question is that when asked that, they tilt their heads to the side, place the earpiece of their eye-glasses in their mouth and then… nothing contemplates the possibility that they may indeed be God after all.  These buffoons think that nothing can know if something called God started it all…  

It’s interesting to me.  They decry my faith and at the same time, their Complex gravitational explosive dot of nothing that becomes life and evolves into intelligence is a much bigger religious leap of faith than mine.   I just believe that;  “In the beginning God!”  Now who is the religious zealot?   

“Thinking themselves to be wise they become fools”.  

Prayer:  Dear God...  AMEN!