Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Perspective is Everything

My scripture today:  
Isaiah 6:1,  "In the year that King Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple."

It is our own personal perspective that determines so much in our live.  Some people see the glass half full... some half empty.  How you see things affects your reaction, your conviction, how you view the resources you have, your ability to hope or lack thereof, everything.

Some view the Lord High and lifted up as Isaiah did, others see Him as an old man with a big stick ready to knock them around when they come up short.  How you and I see Him will determine our actions and responses to Him and His word.

If we take Isaiah's view and see Him in His Majesty as the ruler of the whole of creation with His Glory filling the Earth then we will have a view that brings us to a place where we Honor Him and see ourselves in the light of His true place.

It humbles us.

The Resultes of seeing the Lord From the proper perspective does three things.

I.    Verse 5...  "Woe is me, I am a man of unclean lips..."
  • It brings recognition of sin in the sight of an Awesome God
  • It brings us to a place of a repentant Heart                       
II.    Verse 7...  "And he laid it (a live coal from the alter) upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath   
                         touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.
  • Iniquity is takn away and
  • sin is purged
III.   Verse 8b... "Here am I, send me."
  • It creates within us a heart of service to God.  A willingness to serve others by serving God.
Dear Lord, Help me to be the servant to you and to your church that I need to be. Keep me in the hallow of your hand and close to your side where I can experience your presence at all times in my life.  Amen

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


A Confession:

I went through a real temptation yesterday evening with my fast.  I have been doing pretty well on the fast for the most part and then BOOM!  Starting the 17th. day of the fast at sundown yesterday, I had a real heavy food temptation.

You may be tempted to laugh when you hear.  I am.  And it happened to me.

I settled in for the evening and was sitting quietly when I had a heavy urge to go into the kitchen and open a can of chili that I had seen in the cabinet.

Mistake # 1.  I got up and went into the kitchen, opened the cabinet door and Looked at that can of chili!   I shut the door and my body screamed at me. (a metaphor for how I felt!)  I mean I had a real crises moment with that can of chili.   LOL     I wanted it SO BAD!

Mistake # 2.  I opened the door again and gave myself an excuse.  I heard myself say: "You may as well eat that chili and get past this."   "Just start back tomorrow."

The urge to eat that can of chili was almost physical in it's intensity!   The thing is... I was not having hunger pangs!  But is was so compelling!!!  I left it and walked around and even prayed; "God, why is this so hard?   I'm Stronger than this.  This shouldn't be this way."

OK,   I acknowledge that this is NOT a major sin.  In the scheme of things, it's really not all that big a deal.  People are hungry out there with no food, no home, no way of getting them.  People are dying in other countries for the cause of Christ.   So my little petty battle isn't really all that much...  except...

I am trying to consecrate myself to God.  I want to be closer to Him and I didn't want that can of chili to come between the bigger picture for me personally right now.  I want closer to God.  I want His Spirit to be more real to me every day... I want to walk in relationship with Him in my life.
Then I hear that still small voice.  "Who's the Boss?"   Are the cravings of my flesh so strong that I am willing to allow them to keep me from fulfilling my heartfelt desire to be closer to God?  Who is the boss here?   My flesh, or have I yielded myself to serve the Living God?

So I went back into the living room, sat in my chair for a little while longer and then went to bed thanking the Lord for His grace in the moment.


Lord, I remember the wise words of Stephen Covey in His book; "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People".   "Private victories precede Public victories."   Thank you for reminding me that the small victories that we face in private precede what we are in our very public walk with you and there is no substitute for those small victories.  And sometimes they can seem pretty tough.   AMEN!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

His Presence

Today is the 9th. day of my fast.  I am now doing one meal each day and I am following the Daniel Fast as far as the type of meals I am eating for that meal.  For instance, today I had a small bowl of beans for lunch.  Yesterday I had a salad and a plate of vegetables for lunch.

I am fasting breakfast which is usually my favorite meal of the day. I am also fasting the evening meal. 

As a diabetic I am keeping a close watch on my blood glucose level and being very careful.  (The reason I started eating the one meal each day)  I have not taken any meds for several days and my sugar level is staying mostly between 70 and 90.  "I am watching it like a hawk."

Today has been a awesome day.
I am part of a Pastors Prayer group.  We get together on Tuesdays for Prayer and a fellowship Breakfast.  Our prayer time starts at 7:00 and we usually end between 8:00 and 8:30 after which we all go to a local restaurant for breakfast.

Several of the Pastors in our group are also fasting which makes it easy to sit around in the restaurant and NOT be tempted to eat anything!

Today I am really thankful for these other Pastors and our prayer time this morning.  The presence of the Lord was really evident.  A few of us felt led to pray for each other and our churches.

I asked some of them to lay hands on me and pray for my back that I have been having a little trouble with.  (I moved some heavy tables the other day... nuff said).   I had prayer Sunday Night at Church as well where I began to feel a very real touch from God and a significant easing in the pain.

Today as these men prayed for me I experienced a warmth in the small of my back (where the pain was).   It was AWESOME!  There is another noticeable difference in my pain.  PRAISE THE LORD!   God is Good!

My Prayer today:
Dear Lord, thank you for my healing!  Thank you for a wonderful group of people to pastor and for a great group of Pastors to meet with for prayer on Tuesday Mornings.  Most of all, Thank you Lord for meeting with me in prayer today. Thank you so much for your presence.    AMEN!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

God wants to do a new thing in you!

It has been a few days since my last post so I wanted to update you on what the Lord is speaking to me on the 6th.  day of my fast. Day 7 will begin for me this afternoon when the sun sets.
(Isa 43:18) 

Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.

(Isa 43:19)  Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

Forgetting those things which are behind…

I have knowledge of the Past and I thank God for all He has done… Then I leave them behind and move into my future!

God is still speaking to His people!  Too many times we look at what God has done in us, as great as it is, and we stop looking for anything new and fresh from God.  We believe that all that we have received is all God has for us. 

(Lam 3:22-24)  It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.   The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.
(Isa 42:9) Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.
(Isa 42:10)  Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise from the end of the earth, ye that go down to the sea, and all that is therein; the isles, and the inhabitants thereof.

Here is the thing. We keep living in this world. New problems arise, new situations, new challenges and we do rely on what God has told us. This is good. But God has not stopped speaking! This begs the question; Have we stopped listening? Are we relying so heavily on our past victories that we do not seek God for New battle plans?

Every day is New! Every challenge is New! And while everything God has done in our lives is timeless, much of it is for the time in which we heard it!

God is still speaking so what have you heard from Him lately that is giving you...
  • A New Joy
  • A New Hope
  • A New Song
  • A New Victory
Dear Lord, make everything New in My relationship with you.  Bring fresh rain,  fresh praise,  a fresh song!   Thank you for the NEW!   Amen.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 3 of my fast                                                                                                       January 3, 2012

It's strange how I can have such sinus trouble and still feel "...the peace of God which passeth understanding."

Fasting always seems to bring a calm and a serenity to me. I have spoken with others through the years and I know that experience may not be the case with everyone.  I wish I could describe it.   Words like calm, peace, serenity all come to mind.  There seems to be no real struggle in my spirit while I am fasting.

Now Physically, that sometimes is a different story.  For the past two or three years, when I have determined to do the Daniel fast i get sick before the fast is to begin.  I really don't think there is a "Spiritual" reason behind this.  I think it's just the time of year.  Right after Christmas where I have been around great numbers of people.  Many of them coughing and sniffling.  No wonder!  But it does present a little more of a challenge.

Helpful friends say things like...
        "I could never fast while I was sick.  You need to wait until later."  (Tried that... later didn't
         come for a year!)

         They say things like...
         "Fasting is bad for you.  It will ruin your digestive system... give you kidney trouble... or, this is
          one of my favorite,   So your trying to loose weight, right?

I would like to sometimes say, "Hey guys lighten up, I'm not Job and your not his comfortless comforters... are you:?"

In reality fasting for me is a deeply spiritual experience.  For one thing, I'm not just doing without food.  I'm also praying and seeking God and reflecting on my Christian journey,  Asking God for guidance for next steps for the Church etc.

So I got a cold in my nose... And peace in my heart.  Go figure!

Dear Lord, I just want to thank you for your presence in my life today.  AMEN

Day 2 of my 21 day fast:                                                                                                Jan 2, 2012

Today I am thinking of a portion of the following Scripture:  "Is this not the fast that I have chosen: To loose the bonds of wickedness. To undo the heavy burdens, To let the oppressed go free and that you break every yoke? ..." Isaiah 58:6

I am praying today to "bread every yoke"  that is in my life.  All of us have limiting beliefs and habits of life that seem to keep us bound to certain stations, status, activities, ways of living that cause us discomfort and even real problems.

For example.  There may be times when one wants to "One up" those with whom they are in a conversation. 
            David:  "Hey Bob, I just got a new car!"
            Bob:     " Yea, that's probably an OK car for you but I wouldn't drive one of those things if 
                            you gave it ti me!     Now MY car...  Man that's a Car!"

You and I both know that there are also more subtle ways in which people play the "One UP" game. 
That's not fun for any of us.  Behavioral habits can take us captive and be a yoke to us in our lives.
One behavioral problem that I seem to sometimes face is jumping in on conversations I am having with people and trying to answer them before they have completed their thought.  I don't do this on purpose, I just sometimes seem to jump ahead in the conversation and "Get to the Point".  there are also those who procrastinate and take the very long way around never seem to get to the point.

I had a person in a church that I once pastored who asked me to come by their place of business.  They said that they had something they wanted to talk to me about.  I set the appointment and told them that I had about 45 minutes available at the time they needed to see me and then I had another appointment with another person in the church after theirs.

About an hour into it, I thought thay had time to tell me all they wanted and I got up and started to leave only to have them tell me that they hadn't gotten to the point yet.  I had to make another appointment with them to finish the talk but one thing it revealed to me is that sometimes the "Point" isn't really the point at all.  In some peoples lives, it's the process that shows them that they are valuable.

In addition, thay may have also had a little bit of a procrastination problem which could also fit a habit or yoke that needs to be broken.

Another habit that has taken me a lifetime to perfect is my habit of being over weight.  I am really good at staying too heavy for my health.  It has caused me problems with Diabetes and put me in danger for other related health problems.

So today I am praying for God to help me have the strength to break these kinds of Yokes.  They can affect our relationships, our health and sometimes even place our lives in jeopardy.  I want to be around to see my great grandchildren.

Prayer: Dear God, Help me to not only identify some of the habits in my life of which I need the Yoke broken from me, but I am praying today for these yokes to be broken from me.  Use this fast to reveal my "flesh" to me and release my by the spirit and power of God from these yokes of bondage. In Jesus Name I pray.    AMEN

Monday, January 2, 2012

Fasting: Day One

"Is this not the fast that I have chosen:  To loose the bonds of wickedness.  To undo the heavy burdens, To let the oppressed go free and that you break every yoke? ..."  Isaiah 58:6

Fasting is a Spiritual Discipline. As such, you should take care of your health and do not do anything foolish during your fast.  If you decide to fast, be careful about your health and if you are under a Dr's Care or have any health issue at all you should consult with your physician before going on a fast.

We are doing what is called an "Open" fast at our Church.  In the Bible there were times when spiritual leadership called for the people to fast. As such, this fast is not a "secret" fast which I believe is also Biblical.  I have called a fast for our church and asked those who felt led, to join with me in this time of fasting.

Some of us are doing the "Daniel" fast.  Others are doing their own self styled version of the Daniel fast and still others are doing other kinds of fasting as they feel led of the Lord.   Although this fast is  done openly with those who are part of our spiritual community, it is not to be done for the purpose of being "seen" of others.   It is still for personal spiritual purposes and while it is known by us it is not for show.

I believe this is a good kind of fast to use to encourage those around to begin fasting as a new spiritual discipline in their lives.  The nature of this kind of fast allows one to encourage and be encouraged by others during the fast.

Today is my first full fast day. My fasting began at sunset on the first so at sunset today, I will begin day two of the fast.  I am fasting all solid foods.  I do drink liquids including a few ounces of juice mixed with water in the morning and the evening.  If you do juices during your fast be careful if you buy juice from the store. Many juices can have more sugar than sugary sodas.

I am fasting for the above promises mentioned in Isaiah 58:6 and also for the promises mentioned further down...
*   Your light shall break forth like the morning
*   Your healing will spring forth quickly...
*   Your righteousness will go before you
*   The glory of the Lord will be your rear guard
*   Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry and He will say "Here I Am".
*   You light shall dawn in the darkness and your darkness shall be as the noonday
*   The Lord will guide you continually
*   And satisfy your soul in drought

And so on...

I am believing God for guidance for our Church and for souls to Come to Christ as a result of this fast.  Some people, including myself will be keeping a personal journal during the fast.  It is a good idea to journal on your fast so you do not loose any of the things that the Lord speaks to your heart during your fast.

As the sun sets, I will have finished my first full day of fasting and will have begun day two.

My Day One Prayer:
Dear Father. Maker of Heaven and Earth.  Guide me and help me to experience all things that are your will for me during this fast. Help me to be the leader that you intend for me to be so that I can guide and encourage your loving people  in the things of God.  In Jesus Name,  Amen.